Hay Fever Sufferer’s Guide to Flowers

The peak of hay fever season is coming. If you or your family suffer from this common allergy, you can reduce your exposure by growing the flowers we are listing below.

Although all flowers have pollen, not all of them spread them far and wide. Some require the help of bees, some have large pollen that doesn’t spread far, and some produce very little pollen. Knowing the types of flowers that produces little pollen means those with hay fever can also enjoy flowers.

Insect-pollinated flowers

Insect pollinated flowers tend to have sticky pollen that don’t float into the air. These include:

  • Hydrangea
  • Orchids
  • Carnations
  • Primrose
  • Peonies
  • Pansies

Flowers with little pollen

English roses of all sizes and colors release little pollen into the air. Those without severe hay fever reactions can enjoy roses.

Lilies are also great. You can make them pollen free by cutting off the stamen before bringing them in the house. The pollen can stain so be sure to wear gloves when you cut them.

A lot of spring bulbs have little pollen. These includes:

  • Crocuses
  • Daffodils
  • Hyacinth
  • Tulips

With this allergy-friendly flower selection, you can liven up your home with some fresh picks, or grow them outside and admire them from afar.


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